How to Get Sober & 6 Tips to Maintain Recovery

Research studies have shown that people activated more parts of their brain and increased their ability to learn when putting pen to paper as opposed to typing. For someone struggling with their sobriety and learning a new way of life, this is one of the best exercises you can do. One of the first things you discover after getting sober is how much time you have. It’s one of the reasons we track your time saved in the app. Addiction devours your time which is a factor in many people’s relapse. They get bored and wander back to what they “think” they’d rather be doing.

  • Seth brings many years of professional experience working the front lines of addiction in both the government and privatized sectors.
  • One of the most efficient ways to do that is simply by moving.
  • You can do this out loud or silently to yourself, but start reciting all the things you’re thankful for and appreciative of.
  • The reality is that many situations can make it hard to reintegrate into normal life without some hiccups and potential for relapse.
  • It’s why I don’t buy BBQ Pringles and also why I deleted my personal Twitter account.
  • An emotionally sober person no longer escapes their emotions with drugs or alcohol.
  • After all, you can’t hang around your drug dealer or old drinking buddies and expect to remain sober for very long.

In other words, instead of saying, “stop thinking about how far it is to the liquor store,” imagine you walk down there, buy the bottle of vodka, come home and start drinking. Imagine your sober streak disappearing and finishing the bottle that night. Imagine how your friend and family will feel and how it will effect your day the next day. Walk through your day-in-the-life scenario and imagine what it looks like to have lost your sobriety and goals.

Holistic Treatment

To make the maintenance of abstinence easier, our Banyan Lake Worth rehab shares 10 tips on how to stay sober that can help. Instead, try making it a part of a long-term view, look for ways to incorporate it in your new healthy life. Instead, look for new friends that have healthier habits. Instead, find new activities and hobbies such as sport, or volunteering and don’t forget about social interaction with new people. So if you love someone with an unhealthy relationship with substances, please practice patience with their journey and remind them that you’re there for support.

This far, you may have withdrawn from and overcome the physical grasp of alcohol. You may have rebuilt on psychological and emotional levels. Yet moving forward, to fully recover, you’ll need to maintain a sober lifestyle and prevent relapse. Withdrawing from substances, such as drugs and alcohol, is a realistic milestone. Getting clean is possible by detoxing, completing appropriate treatment and committing to change. At some point during your rehab, you likely developed a sobriety plan to help you overcome the inevitable challenges you would face in recovery.

Develop a Structured Routine

Since there are different reasons for using drugs and alcohol, there are also varying reasons why someone wants to get sober. Whatever your “why,” know that with treatment and support, getting sober is not only possible, but it’s also manageable long-term. Challenges in the process can include intense cravings, relapse, or a return to using the mind-altering substance. Staying sober may require several strategies and supports, including seeking professional and peer support.

  • You can try different meetings for the different groups to find one that’s right for you.
  • A sober life involves a major change to the way you spend your time, and who you spend it with.
  • No one can wave a magic wand and make you or someone you love sober.
  • Establishing an exercise routine requires building new habits, which isn’t easy.

Sam obtained his Masters in Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy from Pepperdine University. But for most people, staying sober isn’t that straightforward. The more strategies you learn to identify triggers, cope with stress, and manage your new sober life, the easier it is to prevent relapse.

What Does It Mean to Celebrate Sobriety?

Regardless of a good or bad day, check in with your mind and body, how hard the day was, what some triggers you noticed were, and how you avoided them or lessened them. This is an integral part of the recovery process so that you constantly prepare yourself for more challenging days. If you are struggling to stay sober, then start skipping events. Everyone’s feelings are important, which means your emotions and health are equal to people who may be celebrating or mourning.

how to maintain sobriety

The journey was long, but it was NOT fought alone, and it was NOT fought on old familiar ground. New clubs were joined, new friends were made, and now the opportunity for yours truly to possibly help others has risen. Like we said, develop new hobbies, but also find new people to spend time with. It can be helpful in offsetting the initial shock and isolation involved in changing your environment.

Detoxification does little to change long-term drug or alcohol abuse on its own. Patients should likely continue addiction treatment following detox. Just as no one treatment plan fits all people, no one treatment plan may be suitable for the entire time you are in a formal treatment program.