What Is HTML5 And What Can I Do With It

While SGML is meant to standardize markup, eliminate confusion, and has inspired both HTML and XML, it was descended from a language created in the 1960s. It’s ancient and thus was not designed with modern web applications in mind. As you can see here, HTML5 and most of its functions are supported on all modern browsers. Its new tags are fully or partially supported in all but Internet Explorer versions 6–8 and Firefox 2, all of which are from the early 2000s and rarely see use today.
What is HTML5 and what can I do with it
So while the audio and video elements are new, their purpose isn’t. HTML5 allows you to integrate more assets into a single document, all while keeping the integrity and separation of those assets into place. When Google, arguably the biggest brand on the Internet, dove head-first into developing its apps with HTML5, Flash supporters took notice. Before HTML5, the only threat to Flash’s dominance was web application developers willing to build and maintain custom HTML/JavaScript alternatives.

Customizable Data Attributes

This confirms that the browser should expect standard HTML when interpreting the document. Some developers rely on extensions to the HTML standard, which use document type definition (DTD) files. If that’s the case, the developer specifies the location of the DTD as part of this doctype.
What is HTML5 and what can I do with it
And ultimately, that’s the brief but accurate assessment I’d make of the “everything else” of HTML5. HTML5 is no longer about a single page, or even a collection of inter-linked pages. It’s about interconnection — and I’ve tried to beat that drum consistently above all else — but that interconnectedness is about a lot more than pages. Hopefully, there will soon be standardized ways to call into objects that are created within a canvas, and granularity becomes part of the advantages of a canvas rather than a drawback. Until then, you’ve got to decide if using a canvas makes sense. In general, if you’re doing something page-specific, or if your canvas is itself a self-contained “mini-application,” then go forth and prosper.

Let’s Get Started!

HTML5 doesn’t become the official standard until 2014, but you can start using it today. We’ve integrated a number of HTML5 features into m-Power already, and plan on even more in 2014. HTML5 ushers in a number of new changes, from additional elements to new features and APIs.

When you’re done, you can save your file with the .html extension and load it into a browser to see how it looks. Each of these objectives informed the changes in this new version of HTML. To understand how HTML has evolved over the years, let’s look at the differences between HTML and HTML5.

To work with HTML5, we need a basic text editor; I use Notepad++ and Sublime Text editors. Sublime text is user-friendly and gives you auto-suggestions while typing. HTML5 contains all 3 components of a web page or web app required. Javascript displays the response when a client browser performs an action. They also agreed that W3C would stop its own HTML efforts and work with the WHATWG to continue developing the specification. Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML in 1989 and officially introduced it to the world in the early 1990s.
What is HTML5 and what can I do with it
Ultimately, this ability to connect things on the Internet is still the primary feature of HTML5. It’s just that now, we’re starting to realize the original vision of HTML, and connect a lot more than hypertext with static images. So the introduction of the audio and video elements in HTML5 are nothing more than logical extensions of the old a element.

In the case of previous HTML versions, these tasks would require specific programming or proprietary plug-ins such as Silverlight or Flash. Modern and popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera support HTML5. In other words, no matter which browser you use, the content can be viewed correctly.

  • But all the same, if you buy into the premise that HTML5 encourages sharing of resources across the web, then messaging makes that sharing more of a true two-way communication.
  • Thanks to the interpretation by your browser of the HTML code hiding in the background.
  • We can use applications when we don’t have an internet connection.
  • The only problem would be to consider users using older browsers, as not all new HTML5 functions and tags are available in those browsers.

HTML5 is defined as the fifth version of HTML, a markup language used by web browsers to visualize code. It features several improvements in website capabilities, web content development, and more. This article covers the meaning, elements, and benefits html5 application development of HTML5. Although much improved since the first version of HTML written in 1993, HTML4 still had its limitations. It’s biggest was if web developers or designers wanted to add content or features to their site that weren’t supported in HTML.